Press F5 to Load Game


Sci-Fi / Suspense

General Audiences

How to win an election:

1. Shake hands.

2. Kiss babies.

3. Travel through time.

“Politics is more difficult than physics,” said Albert Einstein. Now that we can time travel, this is no longer true.

All the State House gossips go abuzz when an influential senator forms an alliance with Rep. Frannie Upwood, the capital’s most famous underachiever and favorite butt of jokes. Why his sudden interest in such a lightweight politician?

It’s up to Lars Uxbridge, the senator’s disloyal staffer, to find out, after he joins a network of political spies. What Lars discovers is a secret far beyond anything other state reps can muster. To get ahead in politics, Frannie’s got something better than snappy slogans, wealthy donors, and door-to-door volunteers.

She’s got a time machine.

Frannie shows that when you’re armed with time travel, you’re the star athlete in a game where the world is your playing field, you make your own rules, and you always beat the shot clock.

But as Frannie will learn, this game has opponents to contend with. Rivals who might not play fair. When the prizes are enormous power, money, and control of time itself, watch out for cheat moves and low blows…

What readers are saying about Press F5 to Load Game:

"LeVar Ravel is proving to be an inventive author and PRESS F5 TO LOAD GAME is a good example of that inventiveness."

-- James Ellsworth, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer

"Gamers will resonate with the story...a fun read."

-- Liquid Frost, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer

"In addition to being a crime thriller, the interjection of humor makes it a tongue in cheek analysis of politics and politicians. Not a far reach in our world of today."

-- Serenity, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer

"It's a surprisingly thought-provoking read; I found myself imagining what I would have done had I been in the characters' shoes with the ability to reset my life whenever I desired."

-- HHayes, Amazon reviewer

"I appreciated the gaming references and inspirations, and the premise of the story is unique and fun... The book is well written with excellent descriptions, dialogue, and characters..."

-- Gabe, former Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer

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Categories: Sci-Fi / Suspense

Reading audience: General Audiences. (Mild violence.)

Length: Novel (176 pages, based on paperback edition).

Award for Best eBook Cover

Winner of's March 2015 Best eBook Cover Award -- Fiction