Rough Company
Short Novel
Psychological Suspense / Literary Drama
Adults & Mature Teens
They say there’s safety in numbers.
But sometimes you’re better off alone…
From the collection Stories with a Scowl comes Rough Company, available for individual sale.
Never having found a job, Amory Robinson has stayed home to focus on his hobbies. His favorite of all is collecting greeting cards, which he hangs in picture frames. The rainbows, cartoon animals, and cheerful mottos on their covers decorate the walls of the townhouse he shares with his parents and pet canary.
His grandmother’s outlook is very different. “It’s a wicked world out there,” she says, as she warns him that he’s been going out in the city alone too much. But Amory can’t share her fear and pessimism. Like his greeting cards say, the world’s not as bad as all that, and he’s just a geek who never bothers anyone. He’ll be fine.
So when four strange men approach Amory in a doughnut shop, he gladly accepts their invitation to go birdwatching. Not until they’re deep in the forest does he notice they aren’t quite what he took them for. They’ve got some unsettling ideas about the world, and they know an awful lot about a recent crime wave—a series of unsolved knifings.
Out in this forest, we might learn that nature—and human nature—can be deceptively dangerous.
Get it as a Kindle eBook for only $2.99! Or, get it as part of the eBook Stories with a Scowl for only $4.99! A paperback edition of Stories with a Scowl is also available. Try a free sample at Amazon before you buy!
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Categories: Psychological Suspense / Literary Drama
Reading audience: Recommended for adults and mature teens (about 16 & up). (Strong but not graphic violence; prejudiced remarks and slurs; mild cursing; mature drama.)
Length: Short Novel (105 pages)